Thursday, 20 February 2014


So its been a while since the last update but the time has come to share in what i have been doing since the last blog  , the classroom of course! work experience ! which is going well,  researching for my project on German cuisine  which is slowly but surely coming along and our class took a trip to Dublin amongst this to catch up with the latest products on offer, and  we had a practical exam.
On the horizon  we are catering an Escoffier themed lunch , so i have a bit of planning to do there as myself and another student from the class have the privilege of jointly organising all  aspects of the menu , delegating the the duties for that day and making sure that we try and give an enjoyable dining experience to our invited guests (so no pressure) all in all its been a busy period for me and from here on in i hope to achieve my goal of becoming a better chef with as much involvement as possible in all aspects of the kitchen , and most importantly to enjoy the challenge and become more confident in my own abilities and continue to learn . (stay tuned)

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